Equivalency Information
If you would like to apply for the CHSE or CHSOS certification but do NOT have a Bachelor’s degree, you may complete an online form and attach your CV/Resume to request acceptance based on your work and educational experience. Note: Letters of recommendation are not accepted.
The Certification Council recognizes that there are many educational paths that applicants may take to become healthcare simulationists. Submissions for equivalency are reviewed based on the following:
- A bachelor’s degree as an eligibility requirement implies that an individual who has successfully completed a bachelor’s degree has demonstrated: professional growth; development of thought (e.g. critical thinking skills); meeting performance criteria over time; ability to complete lengthy and complex projects; achieving externally established criteria that have been generally accepted.
Review the information below to learn about work and education experience that may be submitted for equivalency. The information below includes samples of submissions that were accepted.
If you have any further questions, please contact coordinator@simcertification.com.
Acceptable Items
College Credit Description:
- 120 semester hours = Bachelor’s degree
- AA, AS, AAS are all considered Associate’s Degrees (AD)
- Associate’s Degree = 60 semester hours of college
- International degrees have different names in many cases but are considered as submitted
- Years of experience (as an operations specialist): 2 yrs = 1 year (30 semester hours) of college
- 15 clock hours = 1 semester hour (college level course)
Medical certificate/license programs ( not degree programs):
Applicant must submit specific clock hour description OR documentation of college hours granted by programs that are not a degree program:
- EMT-B: typically worth 6-10 semester hours
- EMT-P: typically worth 55-60 semester hours
- LPN/LVN: submit total clock hours (time actually spent)
- Respiratory Therapist: submit total clock hours (time actually spent)
- Respiratory Technician: submit total clock hours (time actually spent)
- Other: submit total clock hours (time actually spent)
Technically Oriented programs:
Applicant must submit specific clock hour description for these programs when not a degree program.
Military programs:
Applicant must submit specific clock hour description for these programs when not a degree program.
- Combat Medic
- Military Medic (Navy Corpsman etc)
- Army Biomedical Technician
Acceptable Work Experience:
- Healthcare simulation experience counts for equivalency and the 2 year experience
- Healthcare (patient care) work counts for equivalency
- Technician/technologist/technology/IT work counts for equivalency
- Education work counts for equivalency
Samples of Equivalency
Examples of individuals granted equivalency: (these individuals submitted the following and were granted an equivalency)
- AD + 5 years of OS/healthcare simulation experience
- AD + EMT-B + 5 yrs simulation experience + pursuing 2nd AD
- AD + 5 yrs simulation experience
- AD + 6 yrs simulation experience + Army biomedical technician
- AD (Paramedic program) + 3 yrs simulation experience + 13 yrs medical/education experience + instructor certificates x 2
- LPN (30 semester hours) + 9 years healthcare simulation
- EMT-B + 6 years healthcare simulation experience + various college hours
- Army Medic/Flight Medic + Army LPN (19 years in Army total time) + 5 years simulation experience
- 4 yrs healthcare simulation experience + 25 yrs medical experience (+ specialized certificates)
- 7 yrs simulation experience + simulation certificate programs (vendor specific) + various college
- AD + 8 years simulation experience + additional college hours
- 7 yrs simulation experience + 20 years medical experience + various college hours + various certificate programs
- 4 yrs simulation experience + Paramedic + 25 semester hours + 24 years medical experience
What to Submit to Petition for an Equivalency
The online form will ask you to provide specific points to highlight:
- Full legal name
- Any degrees completed
- Specific number of college semester hours completed in college or university courses if NO degree completed
- Specific number of college semester hours OR actual hours completed for certificate or other courses completed
- # years in healthcare simulation
- # years in non-healthcare simulation but related work, for example:
- technician/technologist/technology/IT work
- education work
- healthcare (patient care) work
- Clearly articulated additional information such as publications, research, or patents that is pertinent
Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume:
The purpose of the CV/Resume is to detail the information that is presented in the cover letter to support what has been presented. It should be clearly laid out as well as being easy to understand (information should not be vague). Include short descriptions and details as appropriate for clarity. Items to include:
- Work experience. Include specific information on job duties for any healthcare (patient care), technician/technologist/technology/IT, or education positions
- Healthcare simulation experience. Include specific information on job duties
- Education
- Name of institution and location (city, state, country)
- Website url preferred
- Dates attended
- Program of study
- Degrees earned as applicable
- Specific number of hours completed if no degree earned
- GPA for courses completed
- Continuing education (esp healthcare simulation related)
- Vendor workshops
- Healthcare simulation related continuing education
- Certificates earned, especially those in healthcare simulation, healthcare (patient care), technician/technologist/technology/IT, or education related
- Patents, product development, presentations, and publications that are relevant
- Letters of recommendation are NOT permitted